Computer code
Over the last years, we have been working on a new website for empirical researchers. It provides lots of information on how to set up workflows for empirical projects. It also introduces researchers to freely available tools. And there is starter code.
Dynamic Discrete Choice Models: Methods, Matlab Code, and Exercises
joint with Jaap H. Abbring
This document supports the first computing sessions in a graduate course on dynamic discrete choice models. It is centered around basic Matlab code for solving, simulating, and empirically analyzing a simple model of firm entry and exit under uncertainty. This code is available from a public Github repository and can be distributed to students as starter code, for example using the Github Classroom. Exercises ask students to adapt and extend this starter code to apply different and more advanced computational and econometric methods to a wider range of models.
Merger Simulation in a Two-Sided Market: A simple logit example
We present a simple example of a two-sided market in Matlab. There are logit models on either side of the market. We generate data from that model and then proceed as if one could in a structural empirical study. In particular, we recover marginal cost, conduct a SSNIP test, calculate UPP, and finally conduct a merger simulation. The zip file contains a document with a detailed explanation of the setup, slides that have been used for teaching, as well as Matlab code.